Changes Coming to the 2021 IBC Requirements for Exterior Walls on Commercial Buildings

1 module


Kristen Kennedy


This presentation was initially provided at the 2021 Convention in Phoenix, Arizona. 

This presentation will highlight specifically how U.S. codes and standards create assurances that energy efficiency improvements do not compromise fire safety by controlling the use of combustible building products in commercial buildings. Examples of approved assemblies in a variety of exterior walls for different construction configurations will be provided. There will also be a focus on how fire safety can be maintained throughout the design process and construction phases using code compliance techniques like engineering judgments for wall assemblies. Adequate time will be allowed for an interactive discussion of current industry resources and topics of interest to the audience.

Jeffrey H. Greenwald
North American Modern Building Alliance | Tampa, FL

Jeffrey H. Greenwald is an association executive with over 20 years of association management and advocacy experience. Prior positions include as an executive director, vice president for engineering, and vice president for research and development with four national associations. Greenwald is an innovative leader with demonstrated success in strategy development and execution, building code development, credential management, marketing, public affairs, and research and development.

Lorraine Ross
Intech Consulting, Inc. | Tampa, FL

Lorraine Ross has been involved in all aspects of the building products industry for over 30 years, including manufacturing, technical service, and regulatory issues such as building code development, compliance, and testing laboratory experience. As president of Intech Consulting Inc., she is actively involved in building and fire code development through the International Code Council, NFPA, and a variety of state code development activities, particularly regarding foam plastic insulation. Currently, she is a member of the Florida Building Commission Roofing Technical Advisory Committee. Lorraine has delivered many presentations on building code topics at a variety of industry conferences.


1. Understand the system approach used by building codes and standards to coordinate the safe use of combustible products in exterior wall assemblies for commercial buildings.

2. Present the provisions of the 2021 International Building Code highlighting changes from the 2018  edition.

3. Discuss the updated NFPA 285, “Standard Fire Test Method For Evaluation Of Fire Propagation Characteristics Of Exterior Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components, 2019 Edition”.

4. Review current resources for the design, installation, building consultant, and code enforcement communities.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate with IIBEC and AIA Logos

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Changes Coming to the 2021 IBC Requirements for Exterior Walls on Commercial Buildings
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Added 27 days ago, by Mark
Added 27 days ago, by Anonymous
Good detail on updates
Added 27 days ago, by Anonymous
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Added about 1 month ago, by Wade
Added about 1 month ago, by Brennan
Added about 1 month ago, by Ronald
Added about 2 months ago, by Aaron
Added about 2 months ago, by Dave
Added 2 months ago, by Christopher

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