2024 IIBEC Convention Session - A Deep Dive into Hail-Caused Dents (Beckner J., Patterson S.) $95.00 Member/ $110.00 Non-member

4 modules

Education Department

$95 - 110


Course Overview
This session was originally presented at the 2024 IIBEC International Convention & Trade Show in Phoenix, Arizona.  This course includes the following components:

  • recording of the live session
  • a summative assessment consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions
  • two surveys required to claim continuing education credit


The paper presents a study of the effect of hailstone impact on the corrosion resistance of aluminum-zinc alloy coated metal roof panels.  The study is based on both laboratory salt-spray testing of panels impacted by simulated hail and inspections results from in-service panels impacted by large real-world hail more than two decades ago.  Participants will be able to consider the findings from laboratory testing results, real-world investigations, and previous published studies to evaluate the long-term effects of hailstone impact to corrosion resistive properties of the aluminum-zinc alloy coating and, in turn, whether such effects are expected to shorten the service life of panels.  This paper hopes to build upon a growing body of knowledge concerning the long-term effects of hailstone impact to aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel roof panels.


Jordan Beckner, PE, RRC
Roof Technical Services, Inc.
Fort Worth, Texas

Stephen Patterson, PE, RRC
Roof Technical Services, Inc.
Fort Worth, Texas

Course Access
Courses are accessible in LearnUpon for one year from the date of purchase.

Credit Start Date 2/12/24        Credit Expiration Date 2/12/27

Course Recommended Prerequisite(s):
Baseline understanding of metal roof applications, Galvalume coatings, and corrosion

Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Continuing Education Credit Statement
This course is approved for 1.0 IIBEC CEH

This course is approved for 1.0 AIA LU
AIA Course Number: COD24_02
AIA Provider Number: G024

Continuing Education Credit Claim Information

To claim IIBEC CEHs, learners are required to:

  • Achieve a passing score of 70% on the summative assessment (learners are provided unlimited attempts)
  • Complete the course Evaluation & Attestation Survey

After completing the Evaluation & Attestation Survey, learners will be able to download a Certificate of Completion.  Learners are responsible for self-reporting IIBEC CEH credit by uploading their Certificate of Completion to their IIBEC Portal. For assistance in self-reporting CEHs, please reach out to: cehs@iibec.org

To claim AIA LU, learners are required to complete the above requirements, as well as:

  • Complete the AIA Survey (AIA member number is required)

AIA continuing education Learning Units earned upon completion of this course will be reported to AIA CES for AIA members.


AIA CES Provider statement

IIBEC is a registered provider of AIA-approved continuing education under Provider G024. All registered AIA CES Providers must comply with the AIA Standards for Continuing Education Programs.  Any questions or concerns about this provider or this learning program may be sent to AIA CES (cessupport@aia.org or (800) AIA 3837, Option 3).

This learning program is registered with AIA CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product. AIA continuing education credit has been reviewed and approved by AIA CES. Learners must complete the entire learning program to receive continuing education credit. AIA continuing education Learning Units earned upon completion of this course will be reported to AIA CES for AIA members. Certificates of Completion for both AIA members and non-AIA members are available upon request.



At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate between and describe differences of various simulated hail-impact tests of metal roofs (including UL 2218 and ANSI FM 4473).
  • Explain the effects of salt spray (fog) testing of 26-gauge aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel R-panels after simulated hail-caused impact testing and scribing.
  • Describe the extent of corrosion (if any) typically detectable at real-world examples of large hail-caused dents in aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel panels.
  • Compare the results from the laboratory testing to our real-world investigations and previous published studies to evaluate whether the conditions observed in the laboratory are analogous to real-world weathering effects.
  • Explain the long-term effects of hailstone impact to the corrosion-resistance of aluminum-zinc alloy coating and whether those effects are expected to shorten the service life of steel roof panels.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate On Demand_AIA Elective and CEH

Learning credits

Session Recording
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Course evaluation & attestation survey (required for completion of course)
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.survey') }}
Summative Assessment (required for course completion)
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
AIA Continuing Education Survey (required for AIA continuing education credit claim)
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.survey') }}

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